Perfect for all from balance bikers to experienced cyclists and everyone in between.
Start in Didcot and follow the disused railway embankment past rolling countryside and poppy fields. Lots of opportunities for pit stops, either on the benches or parks – Upton’s play area and BMX track is a favourite of ours. We built up our mileage on this route gradually as little legs on balance bikes turned to bigger, stronger legs able to go further distances. And there are options for quite significant distances as this route connects with The Ridgeway, used since prehistoric times by travellers, herdsmen and soldiers. This year (2023) The Ridgeway celebrates it’s 50th anniversary of becoming a National Trail and there will be lots of celebrations and events to mark this.
6.5 miles of this 11 mile route are virtually traffic-free on public byways, bridleways and footpaths and private tracks and the rest is on quiet county lanes. With only one significant climb, this is a route that appeals to the whole family.