Heard of Tiggywinkles but thought it was just an animal hospital?
Heard of it but thought it was miles away?
Nope and nope. Just a short jaunt across the border into Bucks is Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital, the world’s busiest wildlife hospital, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to take in sick, injured and orphaned British wildlife.
But you can also go and have a wander around: spy on badgers, peak at foxes, take a look at the deer and marvel at the owls and other birds of prey. Oh, and the HIGHLIGHT – take a close up look at a hedgehog!!! It’s little face, it’s paws, my goodness I wanted to take her home. And a little tip: if you walk past a huge heron, it is not a statue, it is very, very real 😳
The playground and ride on toys are great for an energy burst before you head to the animal hospital itself. You can peek very quietly through the viewing windows (no pictures allowed) into the hospital and see the mammal and baby bird nurseries, where you will see just some of the patients housed here. What an experience!!
During school holidays they have interesting talks and animals crafts, keep an eye on their Facebook page.