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day adventure, family,


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Amenities on offer



OxTrail has come to town! The perfect summer holiday activity! There's 130 Ox Sculptures to find so get moooooooving! Read more

Wells Farm Poppy Field, Little Milton

A wildflower field blooming with poppies! The scale and depth has to be seen to be believed! Read more

Red Kangaroo Trampoline Park

A great bounce for great value. Their Kanga Tots sessions (term time only) are £10 for a 3 hour session and that includes and adult ticket too! Read more

Watlington Circular

A circular 4 mile walk with stunning views of the Chilterns and a pub pit stop on the way back to boot! Read more

Beacon Hill

Spectacular views from the top of Beacon Hill in the Chilterns. Hard work getting up to the top and worth every footstep as you turn around and take in the views! Read more

Ropes on the Rye Adventure Playground

This play area has been fitted out! Welcome to the adventure playground you always dreamed off! Oh, and it's FREE! Read more

Begbroke – Bladon Bluebell walk

A beautiful bluebell walk connecting two Oxfordshire villages, with the bonus if a great playground too! Read more

Pony Pursuits at Huckleberry Farm

A new experience from Pony Pursuits: Stay and Play! Get up close to the animals and run wild in the woodland area! Read more

Cotswold Sculpture Park

Over 150 sculptures intertwined with acres of landscape. A 12 foot polar bear? Sure, we got you. Read more

The Cheese Shed barn in Henley
The Cheese Shed

The Cheese Shed, purveyor of the finest doorstop toasties in the world! Fill up then walk it off in the beautiful Chilterns. Read more

Upper Heyford Playground

A gated park with an epic adventure playground style main frame and a huge green. Easily a half day of fun here! Read more

Jessie’s Art Shed

An art shop in a small Oxfordshire village that packs a huge punch with their classes and workshops for toddlers all the way through to adults. People travel from far and wide for Jessie's Art Shed! Read more

Caper bookshop

Is it a bookshop? Well yes, but actually it's waaaaaaaaaay more. Step inside my friends... Read more

Small Worlds at The Story Museum

Pre-schoolers will exploring the different story-themed zones in this magical early years offer from the magical Story Museum. Read more

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Oxford Preservation Trust, known as the 'Guardians of Oxford', is a charity founded in 1927 to preserve the city. They seek to enhance Oxford by encouraging thoughtful development and new design, while protecting historic buildings and green open spaces.



Oxford Summer Family Guide

Oxford Summer Family Guide

All the family goings-on in Oxford this summer - the weird, the wonderful, the bonkers and the downright brilliant. Only in Oxford! Read more

The free, the discounted and the deals!

The free, the discounted and the deals!

Be in the know because these deals are all you need to know! Read more

Top 5 dog walks in Oxfordshire

Top 5 dog walks in Oxfordshire

Dog owners, dog walkers, dog parents, borrow my doggy people - this is for you! Read more

Top 5 mud-free pushchair walks in Oxford

Top 5 mud-free pushchair walks in Oxford

The getting out the door is work enough with little ones, let us help you with our top 5 pushchair walks. Read more
